- 2020
- 2019
- Title: Genetic Algorithm for the Maximum Coverage Location Problem Applied to Medical Emergency.
- Event: LI Simpósio Brasileiro De Pesquisa Operacional
- * Second place at best paper Roberto Diéguez Galvão
- Title: MARTINI: Towards a mobile and variable time window identification for spatio-temporal data
- Title: Optimizing Infrastructure Placement with Genetic Algorithm: A Traffic Management Use Case
- 2018
- 2016
- Title: Towards semantic fusion using information quality and the assessment of objects and situations to improve emergency situation awareness
- Title: Using Semantics to Improve Information Fusion and Increase Situational Awareness
- Title: Objects Assessment Approach Using Natural Language Processing and Data Quality to Support Emergency Situation Assessmen
- Title: Fusão de Nível 1 Utilizando Sintática para o Domínio Militar
- 2015
- Title: Processamento de Linguagem Natural para a Avaliação de Situações de Emergência com Interface de Realidade Virtual
- Title: Multi-criteria Fusion of Heterogeneous Information for Improving Situation Awareness on Emergency Management Systems
- Title: Identificação de Atributos de Eventos de Roubo em Denúncia 190 para Sistema de Tomada de Decisão Militar
- 2014
- RP-Sim
- Objective: Allow companies and researchers to better calculate and visualize how radio signal is affected by buildings in urban environments. This project is one the contributions developed during my masters degree.
- Technologies Used: JavaScript, p5.js, Mappa.js
- Satellite Image Processing - RGB and NDVI for Agriculture
- Objective: Process images from Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 to support decision making process in agriculture using NDVI and RGB images. The entire history, with more than 800 images, can be acquired, processed and delivered in up to 8 minutes.
- Technologies Used: AWS, Python, GDAL, Rasterio, Pillow
- Objective: Straight forward class to override a few functions and be able to run an entire genetic algorithm.
- Technologies Used: Python
- MSim
- Objective: Small footprint discrete event simulator developed to be used with Python.
- Technologies Used: Python
Contact info
E-mail: matheusferraroni [at] gmail [dot] com
Linkedin: /in/matheusferraroni
GitHub: MatheusFerraroni
Researcher, Developer & Technology Enthusiast
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec semper nibh lectus, eu condimentum massa suscipit nec. Nulla aliquet tempus ligula in semper. Donec egestas nec mi a gravida. Nullam ut vulputate justo, ut pretium dui. Morbi bibendum erat a massa semper congue. Sed finibus erat eget cursus mattis. Pellentesque gravida porttitor odio, quis dapibus justo lacinia ac. Suspendisse orci odio, volutpat imperdiet fermentum vitae, aliquam eu magna. Etiam lectus purus, pretium in sapien a, feugiat gravida justo. Aliquam dui mi, sodales non rhoncus eget, auctor ac sem. Duis ultrices est ipsum. Maecenas in aliquet enim.
- Portuguese: Speech, Writing and Reading - Native
- English: Speech, Writing and Reading - Advanced
- Spanish: Speech, Writing and Reading - Basic
- Chinese: Speech, Writing and Reading - I took some classes...
- 2020 - Today: Doctorate in Computer Science
- Location: University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
- Research Theme: Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
- Supervisor: Leandro Aparecido Villas
- 2018 - 2020: Master in Computer Science
- Location: University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
- Research Theme: Allocation of RoadSide Units Aware of Obstacles
- Supervisor: Leandro Aparecido Villas
- 2014 - 2017: Bachelor of Computer Science
- Location: Marília Eurípides University (UNIVEM)
- Undergraduate Research Project: Natural Language Processing to achieve
- Supervisor: Leonardo Castro Botega
Working Experience
- Sep-2020 - Today: IT Director
- Company: Cygni Agrociência
- Assignments: As IT Director I'm responsible for all activities that are related to IT, such as form partnerships, planning projects, managing resources, and guaranteeing that all sectors are working according to plan. As I love to program, I’m usually involved in programming, innovation and creation of new tools within the company.
- Dez-2019 - Aug-2020: IT Consultant
- Company: Cygni Agrociência
- Assignments: During that time, I was responsible for assisting developers to choose and use the correct technologies without wasting human and cloud resources. I also helped to facilitate company communication with the IT sector, planning actions, and projects. We also started to create a new processing method, which is faster and cheaper than the ones used before.
- Dez-2018 - Nov-2019: Technical Training Experience in Information Technology
- Company: ClickIdeia and FAPESP
- Assignments: During this project, I had the opportunity to create a service that synchronizes data between 2 servers using a mobile device as a mule, which was created using a Raspberry Pi. The data synchronized ranges from binary files to data and structure from a relational database. The entire project was designed to work with Named Data Networking (NDN), a different kind of network that instead of IP addresses works with interests.
- Aug-2016 - Nov-2018: IT Manager
- Company: Cygni Agrociência
- Assignments: During this time, I was responsible for a team developing new features for the company.
- Jan-2015 - Jul-2016: Researcher
- Company: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
- Assignments: During this project, I was one of the many researchers participating in a large project, where I was responsible for acquiring information about a crime from a text . I had the opportunity to learn new techniques and started to work with natural language processing.
- Aug-2014 - Dez-2014: IT internship
- Company: Vertical3W
- Assignments: Developer PHP using mainly CodeIgniter and some minor coding in the front-end.
- Jan-2014 - Mar-2014: IT internship
- Company: Boa Vista Serviços
- Assignments: PHP Developer.
- Master Laravel & Create High-Level Applications with Laravel
- Leadership Course “Habitudes”. Module 1 and 2
- Advanced English at FISK (TOEFL iBT total score 84)
- International english course at SEC - Study English in Canada
- Competitive C++ training for high school students (two weeks in october 2013)
- Training for programming marathon (twelve hours in 2014, promoted by COMPSI)
- Training for programming marathon (twenty four hours in 2015, promoted by COMPSI)
- Introduction to Android with Java - During the VI information technology week (three hours in october 2013)
- 1st phase of the Microsoft Students to Business course (four hours in 2015, promoted by COMPSI)
- 2dn phase of the Microsoft Students to Business course (20 hours in 2015, promoted by COMPSI)
- 3rd phase of the Microsoft Students to Business course (30 hours in 2015, promoted by COMPSI)
- Complete Microsoft Students to Business course
- SAP Foundations Plus training (PP, MM, SD, FI, CO)
- PHP: Vanilla, Laravel, CodeIgniter
- Python
- Docker
- Genetic Algorithm
- Basic Arduino
- Javascript: Vanilla, jQuery
- Google: Maps JavaScript API, Maps Static API
- Git
- APIs: Rest, SOAP
- Ansible
- Lambda
- S3
- DynamoDB
- EC2
- CodeCommit
- Elastic Beanstalk
- API Gateway
Soft Skills: Good communication and teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, teaches others, accepts responsibility.
- 2019
- Title: Second place best paper Roberto Diéguez Galvão
- Location: LI Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (SBPO 2019)
- 2016
- Title: Professional Highlight For Creative and Innovative Initiative
- Location: Cygni Agrociência
- 2014
- Title: Third place in the regional programming phase
- Location: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
- 2013
- Title: First Place in the IT Olympics for High School Students
- Location: UNIVEM
Additional Information
- Courses Tutored
- Instrumental English
- Course monitor of Programming techniques
- Course monitor of Programming laboratory
- Participation in events and fairs
- PHP Conference 2020.
- SBRC 2020
- Organization of events and fairs
- FLISOL 2016.
(Sadly most of my work is on AWS CodeCommit.)